Medical Services We Offer:
- Primary care, including Initial medical exam and consultation.
- Transition of Care and Coordination services.
- Routine Health maintenance and Disease management.
- Periodic scheduled health visits.

- Urinary Catheter changes.
- Replacement of Feeding tubes.
- Hospice, Palliative, and End of Life Care in the comfort of your home.
- Infusions, Long term Antibiotics including Total parentalNutrition/ TPN/ therapy

- Management of Mechanical ventilators
- Wound care and Debridement
- In-home Labs, EKG’s, Ultrasounds, X rays and so on
- Home dialysis for pts with End-stage renal disease

- Covid testing, treatment, and Vaccination
- Physicians, Eye doctors, Foot doctors, Dental doctors, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry doctors.
- Nutritionists and Registered Dietitians, Registered Nurses, Physical Therapy and so on.